Monday, April 1, 2013

What else? The beginning.

I'm starting this blog to chronicle my journy from wife & mother to the Bhikkhuni I hope to become.
My aim is to help others in some way. I have only just found Buddhism myself two months ago. Within days I knew I had found the purpose of my life. While reading everything I could find about Buddhism I realized many of the concepts & practices are very familar to me. It felt like I was remembering something I had already known. I've never in my life had any interest in Buddhism. How it suddenly came to my attention I don't know.

I recognize that this journey won't be an easy one. I must let go of things I have clung to all my life. Even as I typed that last sentence I realized other than the people I love, and my doggie Bella, there is not one thing I can think of that I would have a problem leaving behind. When one realizes the things we cling to aren't permanent and will change as everything does, it is much easier to become unattached.
I am beginning to see things as they really are. I see that life is suffering and we suffer due to clinging and craving but there is a way to free oneself from suffering and that way is The Noble Eighfold path.
For the first time ever, without doubt I know exactly what I want to do. I want to renounce the life of a layperson and become a monastic. I want to devote all my time to the study of Dhamma and meditation. I want to live the life of a Bhikkhuni in the forest tradition. My goal is Nibbana!

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