Saturday, April 6, 2013

The challenges

I know becoming a Bhikkhuni won't be as easy as I would like and I can't be selfish and think only of my self.

I can't bear to cause anyone to suffer. But nor can I go on sleeping, pretending to be the person I was.
I have a bond with my husband that I've had with no one else. I have made a commitment to him and I love him dearly. But, as he said, I'm no longer the women he married.

I will wait until he is ready to leave me which I have no doubt he will, as my purpose in life now differs greatly from his. Then our union can end without suffering.

My son has a good father who takes wonderful care of him so I do not have to worry for him.

I have contacted a nun from my local temple and she was gracious enough to answer some questions for me. It is hard for Bhikkhunis to make their way. They can't work and earn money to support themselves. They must rely on the kindness and generosity of others.

I might not find a monastery that will have me. I can understand this as they have many things they have to take into consideration.

All I want are robes, an alms bowl, one meal a day, a shelter and a teacher. Nothing more...this is all I want.

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