Friday, April 12, 2013

Living in the Present

I use to spend so much time fretting about the past. Thinking of bad things that have happened to me and feeling sad because of it. I also spent so much time fretting about the future. Worrying about what bad thing will happen next and being anxious because of it. Never living in the present.

Now I can clearly see the error in this. What a big waste of time!
The past is gone, done, never to be again. Thinking about it will change nothing.
The future is not yet here. There is no point in worrying about what is to come.

  Of course we need to plan for the future, but once we've made the plan we can let it go. We don't have to keep coming back to it, picking at it.

Living life in the present moment. It sounds like such a simple thing to do and we all think we're doing it, but we're not. We go through life on autopilot so much of the time. I try to always be mindful and pay attention to what I'm doing and I've got to admit I'm terrible at it! I could spend 15 minutes thinking about something that happened 20 years ago before I even notice my mind has wandered away.
But I won't give up because I know what the reward of my diligence will be.

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