Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Secret

What if I told you I know of a place full of suffering. A place where everyone you know and love will suffer and die. Not once, but over and over again. And not only them but you as well. You will suffer and die over and over again.

In this place there are brief moments of happiness, but they won't last. Nothing lasts in this place. Everything rots and dies, nothing is permanent.

And what if I told you dear friends that a man came into this land. A man who knows how to escape to a realm where there is no suffering, no death, no decay, only happiness. And the man is willing to share his secret. He is willing to show us the path to freedom. All we have to do is follow this path and we will never ever suffer again.

I will tell you a secret my dear friends. I know of this path and I will share it with you. Come close and listen. The path is called thus,The Noble Eightfold Path.

Well who wouldn't want to follow this path? Who in there right mind would want to stay in a place where we and everyone we love will suffer and die over and over and over again?

I will share another secret with you.
You are in that place right now. The problem is this. We are all sleeping and we can't see things as they really are. Well I for one intend to escape.

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