Sunday, April 14, 2013

Doing the dishes, and not being mindful.

Just now as I was doing dishes and washing my favorite tea cup, my mind began to wander. I started imagining that it was a day maybe 40 yrs in the future and I was an old lady looking back on the past at this moment and remembering how it was when I lived here at this time and had tea from my favorite tea cup.

Then thinking these things brought on feelings of melancolie and sadness and home sickness. And being the good mindful Buddhist that I am (lol) I became mindful that my mind had wandered and I began to analyze what had happened.

I was imagining, fantasizing about things that are not even real or happening and these thoughts that were not even about real events caused me to feel sad etc.

So there was nothing outside my body, external to me that caused me to have these feelings. I caused my own self to be sad about something that isn't even real.

Then these feelings are not even real and they are not based on anything real. If these feelings aren't real then no feelings are real. They are just things that we made up with our thoughts.

Anyway that's just what I was thinking while I was doing the dishes,when I was supposed to be being mindful that I was doing the dishes.

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